On Jan 13, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In Marketing, Company News
Fori Automation is proud to announce that we have been selected as a Top System Integrator Giant for 2020.
Fori Automation has been selected as a Top 5 System Integrator Giant for 2020. The selection of System Integrator Giants is based on each respective companies revenue that is attributed to system integration. For more information on System Integrator Giants, please visit the
Control Engineering webpage.

The System Integrator Giants announcement can be found
Fori Automation privately held and U.S. owned and operated since 1984, specializes in the custom design, build and integration of automated material handling, assembly, testing and welding systems for the automotive and non-automotive industries.
Our equipment and systems include:

Fori has supplied equipment across the globe for a variety of Automotive & Non-Automotive OEMs and Tier 1's. Customer verticals served include the Aerospace, Automotive, Defense, Nuclear, Recreational Vehicle and Construction industries. With over 30 years of experience and
seven locations across four continents, Fori is positioned to support its customers around the globe.
For more information on Fori Automation,
please visit our website.
On Jan 21, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In End of Line Systems, Wheel Alignment, Fori China, headlamp aiming
Fori China designed, built and integrated an end of line system for an automotive manufacturer.
- Jobs Per Hour: 30 jobs per hour
- Testing Completed: Wheel alignment, headlamp aiming, roll and brake
- Results: Increased production rate, reduced labor, improved quality
The end of line testing system was integrated for a two vehicle inspection line. Testing completed included: non-contact wheel alignment, automatic headlamp aiming, roll and brake testing, and various other sensors.
The wheel alignment machine is designed for automatic measuring and manual adjustment of the vehicle parameters. The system was designed to measure toe and camber for a wide range of wheel bases, tread width, and tire sizes.
An integrated headlamp aiming system measures the vehicle headlight intensity and position automatically which guides the operator to adjust the lamp position with semi-automation. The “Fori Vision” aiming unit utilizes a camera based system to measure the intensity and position of the headlight.
Roll and brake testing is also included in the end of line system which consists of testing for acceleration, cruise control, transmission, rear gear, dynamic braking, and engine.
For more information about Fori Automation's end of line systems, please visit our website. |
On Jan 7, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In Assembly Systems, Module Alignment, Module Assembly System, RGC
Fori recently supplied a module assembly system that included the Fori Flex Rail conveyance system which utilized Rail Guided Carts (RGCs) and a drive-thru module aligner for the assembly and alignment of a rear suspension module.

- Assembly Jobs Per Hour: 25 jobs per hour
- Keys to Success: RGC conveyance, manual alignment backup
- Results: Jobs per hour fulfillment, flexible assembly
- Solutions: Unique track layout, drive through aligner
The module assembly system had a unique set of design constraints. One example was that the floor space available within the plant for the required rear suspension module was limited, requiring a common unload area with an existing assembly line. Due to the oddly shaped footprint available for assembly and the mandated unload area, the end user utilized Fori’s RGC to accommodate their needs for a flexible material handling and assembly system.
The system utilized a standardized Siemens control architecture, including the RGC, traffic control, and aligners. The standardization of Siemens controls was customer requested in order to match their existing controls architecture. In matching the controls architecture between all of the equipment, Fori was able to offer seamless integration into the customer’s assembly plant.
The rear main assembly line was composed of 15 RGCs, seven operators, one automatic drive through alignment machine, and one manual backup alignment system.
For more information about Fori Automation's RGCs, assembly systems, and aligners, please visit our website. |
On Jan 3, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In Automated Guided Vehicles, Material Handling Systems
Fori provided six high capacity Aerospace AGVs for the automated transport of tooling for stringer assembly, supporting the wing assembly.
- Guidance Technology: Magnetic bar, inertial with pencil magnets, natural feature, laser contour
- Capacity: 40,000 lbs./54,545 kg.
- Safety: Safety scanners and bumpers, Siemens safety PLC, system interlocks
- Controls: Siemens open architecture, vehicle management system
- Results: Improved flexibility, decreased crane usage
- Solutions: Vehicle synchronization, auto-leveling, vehicle management system
The six high capacity AGVs, capable of auto-leveling and synchronized transport of tooling up to 40,000 pounds have been designed to accommodate projected wing production. The AGV system is required to be synchronized during the lift of the tooling and product, as well as synchronization of the three AGVs during transport. The system includes an auto-leveling feature that dynamically levels the tooling during travel to ensure a level plane is maintained during transport between stations. The Fori AGVs will be the primary method of transporting the tooling and product through the assembly process. Traditional assembly systems rely heavily on overhead crane utilization, whereas the AGV based solution eliminates the reliance on cranes.
The AGVs were developed to support the customer's lean automated manufacturing methodology. The goal of the project was to automate the entire material handling process for the assembly of the stringers (specifically the load and unload of the autoclaves used for curing the composite wing stringers). The loading of the autoclave is completed utilizing a natural feature guidance system. Then the AGV uses the walls of the loaded autoclave for the guidance in and out, while still maintaining +/- 5mm accuracy.
The design intent was to build a vehicle that was modular and interchangeable. The AGV system is required to transport many tools of different lengths and weights. The AGV system needs to be able to accommodate synchronization of up to three AGVs during the lift and transport from assembly stations.
Each of the AGVs is outfitted with two servo based lifters and a laser alignment system which provides measurement feedback to the onboard PLC for the dynamic leveling of the tooling during transport. The system must maintain levelness within +/- 1/8” from each end of the tool.
A Fori Vehicle Management System (VMS) has been provided to monitor system I/O, communication between the AGVs, tooling and automated assembly stations. Scheduling of moves also occurs at the Fori VMS.
For more information about Fori Automation's Aerospace AGV products, please visit our website. |