Food Industry - Decant & Picking Stations - Preparation Lines in Logistics Center

Assembly of peripheral equipment for Ocado. The final customer is O’Logistique, a food industry under constant pressure to increase efficiency and improve quality, automation becomes the most sought-after solution.
The Fori Spain Team has performed the assembly of decanting station equipment consisting of 8 integrated stations. The operator(s) load the food product bins which are then stored by the bots into a grid system.
Assembly of picking station equipment consisted of 12 stations, in which the bots bring the products directly from the grid system to the pick station where the operator(s) prepare the customer’s order.
Assembly of bot charger equipment included 23 charging stations, where the robots came to recharge their batteries. The new line was installed in the third quarter of 2021. A second phase is planned for the second quarter of 2022.