Fixed Audit Headlamp Aiming Systems
On May 28, 2021/By Fori Automation, LLC/In End of Line Systems, headlamp aiming, End of Line Testing
Fixed Audit Headlamp Aiming (HLA) systems are stand alone and can be integrated within any existing wheel alignment machine, pneumatic centering p
latform, or other centering system.
The dual camera fixed audit headlamp aimer was developed for a customer and installed in 2018. The HLA system included a fixed gantry frame with the (2) high resolution camera boxes, a whiteboard that was collapsible for easy storage and a PC control panel.
The HLA application was used to perform headlamp aiming audits on various GM vehicles from the car and truck platforms. A simple manual cent

ering system and leveling plates were included to provide a low cost method for centering the vehicle during the audit process.
The (2) high resolution cameras provide an accurate method of finding the true headlamp center and headlamp aim position, to accommodate requirements set forth by the latest IIHS standard.