Roll and Brake Tester Modifications for New Transmission Test Measurement

RBT Modification kits with latest Emerson M Series Drive Controllers for improved torque measurement and control of test processes.
Modifications were requested for two existing Fori Roll and Brake testers to accommodate a new vehicle model “9-Speed Transmission Test Process”. The transmission features an increase in torque and acceleration. This required new servo motors and controllers that could accommodate the torque and acceleration throughout the test process.
Upon installation of the servomotor and drive kits, software was provided for the new transmission test process. The package included test curve displays, revised test screens, parameter selection menus and other enhancements for “Roll and Brake” test processes.
The new test screens displayed to the operator resulted in a very precise means of conducting the test process. Results of the test proved to be within the expected design criterion for the new 9-speed transmission.
The two systems were modified during a shutdown period and restart of production for existing and new product was made successfully.