Fori Automation Blog

Chassis Marriage Line and Super Pallets for Vehicle Final Assembly

Fori China recently designed, built and integrated a super pallet and associated modifications for a final assembly line for a customer at their plant in China. Fori China was responsible for designing, building and integrating (4) different final assembly line retrofits to accommodate an additional (3) vehicle platforms on an existing assembly line. In order to support the super pallet modifications and the additional vehicle platforms, there were (4) different line modifications required for the equipment. The final assembly line retrofits included: • Super pallet modifications for new vehicle powertrain • Addition of new load bar for different powertrain • Updated tooling for hub tightening • Robotic auto-tightening for battery package The most unique portion of the modification project was the integration of an auto-tightening station for the battery electric vehicle (BEV) battery. The auto-tightening was completed with (4) fastening robots.
