Fori Automation Blog

Assembly Line for Engine Dress, Transmission Marriage & Corner Module Marriage

Fori Automation recently provided a rail guided cart (RGC) based engine dress line. The RGC system was provided as a replacement for traditional conveyor based assembly systems.

In some ways, a traditional conveyor is reliable, proven & effective. However, when new challenges are proposed changes to the traditional methods are questioned, proven & improvements arise. Fori’s RGCs were selected to accommodate the customer’s need for a flexible conveyance solution. The RGCs were unmatched in price when compared to traditional methods of overhead power & free chain conveyance systems. By pairing the Fori RGC with its kiln of flexible tooling, it enabled the assembly line to become whatever shape it wants without major rework to the entire system. Not all customer plants are built the same. With the ability to provide a Rockwell or Siemens control solution Fori is able to best fit our customer’s needs. In this case, the plant is utilizing a Rockwell based controls architecture, offering seamless integration into the assembly plant. The engine assembly line is composed of (37) RGCs & (43) operators. The new RGC assembly line was installed in late October & was production ready early first quarter of 2020.
