Assembly Line for Engine Dress, Transmission Marriage & Corner Module Marriage
On Feb 5, 2021/By Fori Automation, LLC/In RGC
Fori Automation recently provided a rail guided cart (RGC) based engine dress line. The RGC system was provided as a replacement for traditional conveyor based assembly systems.
In some ways, a traditional conveyor is reliable, proven & effective. However, when new challenges are proposed changes to the traditional methods are questioned, proven & improvements arise.
Fori’s RGCs were selected to accommodate the customer’s need for a flexible conveyance solution. The RGCs were unmatched in price when compared to traditional methods of overhead power & free chain conveyance systems. By pairing the Fori RGC with its kiln of flexible tooling, it enabled the assembly line to become whatever s

hape it wants without major rework to the entire system.
Not all customer plants are built the same. With the ability to provide a Rockwell or Siemens control solution Fori is able to best fit our customer’s needs. In this case, the plant is utilizing a Rockwell based controls architecture, offering seamless integration into the assembly plant.
The engine assembly line is composed of (37) RGCs & (43) operators. The new RGC assembly line was installed in late October & was production ready early first quarter of 2020.