Fori Automation Blog

Chassis Sub Assembly System--Assembly Line & Engine Decking System

Fori India designed, built, and integrated a chassis marriage Rail Guided Vehicle (RGV) system for front and rear assemblies.


  • Electro-Hydraulic Scissor Lifts
  • Friction drive wheel
  • Wheel base adjustment
  • Results: Increased production rate
lift The Rail Guided Vehicle system supplied was comprised of a Fori standard friction wheel drive for the required forward and reverse movement. The vehicle included two separate electro-hydraulic scissor lifts that are used for decking the front module and rear axle assembly. The system also included wheel base adjustment that was required to accommodate multiple models for the rear axle assembly. The RGV was designed to be user friendly and simple to use. An example of this methodology is the within the control System which was designed to be very simple for the end user, utilizing a relay based logic. For more information about rail guided vehicles, please visit our website.
