End of Line Testing Systems - Wheel Aligners, Headlamp Aimers, Robotic Toe Set & Automated Tooling Changeover
Fori recently designed, built and integrated two new robotic wheel aligners with integrated dual mast headlamp aimers.
A total of four robots with Toe set gear heads are utilized for setting Toe within +/- 0.03 degrees from nominal. Front Toe is set by adjusting the tie rod with a Fori patented socket gear head which is driven by a nut runner. The Rear Toe is set by adjusting a cam bolt with a Servo driven gear head. The equipment needed the ability to align three different vehicle models with uniquely different suspension configurations. To achieve the cycle time requested Fori utilized a system called "predictor mode" for virtual real time toe and camber measurement. Once the initial tire run out is performed and mapped, all subsequent measurements are predicted based upon the known run out. Elimination of the typical three second update time required after an adjustment is made, resulted in an average of ten seconds per machine cycle.
Mark VanHaverbeck Fori Automation, Inc. 586 - 247 - 2336 mvanhaverbeck@foriauto.com