Fori Automation named a Top 5 System Integrator Giant for 2020
On Jan 13, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In Marketing, Company News
Fori Automation is proud to announce that we have been selected as a Top System Integrator Giant for 2020.
Fori Automation has been selected as a Top 5 System Integrator Giant for 2020. The selection of System Integrator Giants is based on each respective companies revenue that is attributed to system integration. For more information on System Integrator Giants, please visit the
Control Engineering webpage.

The System Integrator Giants announcement can be found
Fori Automation privately held and U.S. owned and operated since 1984, specializes in the custom design, build and integration of automated material handling, assembly, testing and welding systems for the automotive and non-automotive industries.
Our equipment and systems include:

Fori has supplied equipment across the globe for a variety of Automotive & Non-Automotive OEMs and Tier 1's. Customer verticals served include the Aerospace, Automotive, Defense, Nuclear, Recreational Vehicle and Construction industries. With over 30 years of experience and
seven locations across four continents, Fori is positioned to support its customers around the globe.
For more information on Fori Automation,
please visit our website.