Automotive Assembly Systems--Assembly Line for Rear Suspension Modules
On Jan 7, 2020/By Fori Automation, LLC/In Assembly Systems, Module Alignment, Module Assembly System, RGC
Fori recently supplied a module assembly system that included the Fori Flex Rail conveyance system which utilized Rail Guided Carts (RGCs) and a drive-thru module aligner for the assembly and alignment of a rear suspension module.

- Assembly Jobs Per Hour: 25 jobs per hour
- Keys to Success: RGC conveyance, manual alignment backup
- Results: Jobs per hour fulfillment, flexible assembly
- Solutions: Unique track layout, drive through aligner
The module assembly system had a unique set of design constraints. One example was that the floor space available within the plant for the required rear suspension module was limited, requiring a common unload area with an existing assembly line. Due to the oddly shaped footprint available for assembly and the mandated unload area, the end user utilized Fori’s RGC to accommodate their needs for a flexible material handling and assembly system.
The system utilized a standardized Siemens control architecture, including the RGC, traffic control, and aligners. The standardization of Siemens controls was customer requested in order to match their existing controls architecture. In matching the controls architecture between all of the equipment, Fori was able to offer seamless integration into the customer’s assembly plant.
The rear main assembly line was composed of 15 RGCs, seven operators, one automatic drive through alignment machine, and one manual backup alignment system.
For more information about Fori Automation's RGCs, assembly systems, and aligners, please visit our website. |